Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Dangers of Synthetic Vitamins

It's one thing to say synthetic vitamins are inadequate. It's quite another to claim they may be dangerous. After all, certainly a dangerous vitamin supplement couldn't legally be sold in a store or over the internet, could it? According to a May 2004 Consumer Report investigation, "many dangerous supplements can easily be purchased in stores and online."

But isn't the FDA there to protect us?

According to Bruce Silverglade, legal director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer-advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.:

"The standards for demonstrating a supplement is hazardous are so high that it can take the FDA years to build a case. " Nevertheless, many dangerous side effects of synthetic vitamins have been well-documented. Allow me to cite just a few.

Two Independent Studies Conclude: Taking Synthetic Vitamins is Worse Than Starvation

Two independent studies on synthetic vitamins both reached the conclusion that taking synthetic vitamins is worse than starvation. One was a recent Finnish study published in the New England Journal of Medicine; the other was the result of experiments performed at the University of California in Berkley.

Why Silver Foxes Don't Take Synthetic Vitamins

As early as 1940, a Scandinavian Veterinarian Journal detailed a vitamin experiment performed on Silver Foxes. The first group was fed synthetic Vitamin B while the second group was given all-natural sources of B complex. Three things happened to the first group:

1) They did not grow.
2) The quality of their fur deteriorated. And
3) they died prematurely.
(The Scandinavian Veterinarian Journal, 1940, Volume 30.)

Meanwhile, everything was normal with the second group.
Synthetic Vitamin D Causes Complications In Pregnancy

Another report involved synthetic Vitamin D and human pregnancy. Vitamin D was given to 500 pregnant women. Some were given synthetic Vitamin D, others were given natural Vitamin D. All the women given synthetic Vitamin D developed diseased kidneys. None of the women given natural Vitamin D had any problems with their kidneys.( Dr. Weston A. Prince, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.)

Synthetic Vitamin B Causes Sterility in Pigs

Another report involved pigs and Vitamin B. This study was done clear back in 1939. The first group of pigs was fed synthetic Vitamin B. The second group was fed natural Vitamin B. All of the offspring from the pigs fed synthetic Vitamin B were sterile. None of the offspring from the parents fed natural Vitamin B were sterile. (Study by Dr. Barnett Sure, Jol. Nurt., Aug., 1939)

So unless you're a nutritional masochist, getting your nutrients from whole food sources is your best option because whole foods provide complete vitamins and minerals rather than fractions of them.

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About the Author
Tom Gruber writes on a variety of subjects and is an Independent Distributor of All-Natural Whole-Food Vitamins. Visit Tom's site at:

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Benefits of Coral Calcium as a dietary Supplement

It was such a dynamic breakthrough when researchers found out that coral calcium can be used as a dietary supplement. Most of the time, when we take calcium supplements or multivitamins the body cannot absorb the proper amounts of nutrients going to the bloodstream. As a result, people still need to spend a lot amount of money just to be able to supply the needs of the body to prevent from getting sick and contracting diseases.

The coral calcium is designated to increase the immune system to be able to fight the bacteria that can be the cause of having diseases or sickness.

Do you know what a coral is? The Coral is the oldest organism that is living in the earth. Coral reefs and corals sands are all related to coral. Coral calcium is definitely sourced from the shed of these reefs. There are a number of divers that go and get some reefs in order to make dietary supplements.

The corals have different kinds and varieties. However the most complete coral that contains the exact composition of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium is the Sango which can be located in the skeleton of a human. Coral calcium’s main uses are to supplement the diet of a person with an absorbable form of calcium that will protect the body from illness and diseases as well as strengthen the body. It also increases a person’s energy level.

A lot of individuals are just walking around having low levels of calcium and they are not even aware of it. Until the time has come that there are symptoms and deficiency that are already seen. Some of these deficiencies and symptoms are white spots in the nails, fatigue, cramps, high blood pressure, acne, arthritis, abundant cavities, and a lot more.

There are already different ways on how to intake enough supplement of coral calcium in the body. They can be in the form of capsules, pills, powder or liquid that can give the body absorbable calcium which will help to fight away health problems.

The benefits of the coral calcium is that it strengthen the immune system, allows the body to fight back all forms of infections, viruses, parasites, and soon it will fight back cancer as researches continues. On the other hand, the benefit that you can get in coral calcium is that you free yourself from getting sick and infected by diseases and that is the very first in the list.

There are still other uses of coral calcium. this is to reverse the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis. Always put in mind that refined sugars and foods have high oxalic acids and as a result it lessens the amount of calcium inside the body. People who undergo training must have a higher amount of coral calcium supplement in their body. Most especially those people who has vices like drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Coral calcium has a perfect ratio of magnesium and calcium. This is very effective for the maximum amount of absorption into the bloodstream. Coral calcium is very in demand in the market today because of the benefits it offers to the people most especially to those who are conscious about their health. Popping a pill or capsule is not much compared to the benefits it will provide your body.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Tea Tree Oil Vitamins

Tea tree oil is grown in Australia and the South Pacific Islands.Tea trees are not trees at all, but rather green shrubs. The light yellow tea tree oil is produced by steaming the pine-needle-like tea tree leaves to force out the oil which is used in medicine, but has other uses-such as industrial lubricants and cosmetic products. The oil has a nutmeg-like smell.

The oil kills fungus and bacteria, including those resistant to some antibiotics. Tea tree oil is used topically as an antiseptic and anti-infective for bacterial infections, acne, and fungal infections such as athlete's foot. It is also used to treat many insect bites-sunburn and minor skin irritations.

Tea tree oil has also been used to kill bacteria in the mouth before dental surgery.Has been used as an oral mouth rinse for other problems related to dental and throat infections.

Tea Tree Oil Dosages

The amount of actual tea tree oil preparations can range anywhere from 1% to 100%. Often, the stronger products are used for hard-to-treat infections such as toenail fungus, while 5% to 10% tea tree oil gels have been used successfully to treat acne.

Commonly used dosages

For treating fungal infections of fingernails or toenails: 100% tea tree oil twice a day for 6 months
For treating athlete's foot: 10% tea tree oil twice daily for up to one month
For acne: 5% to 10% tea tree oil once a day indefinitely
For oral candidiasis: one tablespoonful of 5% tea tree oil solution as a mouth wash taken up to 4 times a day. (Make sure to spit out )
