Monday, August 14, 2006

Generation X and Baby Boomers: Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise

Isn't it time that you looked like you're from generation X and not an aging baby boomer? It's easy to achieve this with vitamins, exercise and diet.

I know what you're is probably so easy for her to be thin. It must be genetic, or she has a very high metabolism. But this is not true. I haven't always been fit, healthy, active and thin.

A few years ago I was overweight and very self conscious in a one piece swimsuit, and was always trying to cover myself up with a tee shirt or shorts. But not now! Recently my generation X daughter complimented me- the aging baby boomer while we were on the beach wearing our bikinis in Mexico. WOW- "Mom you look great in that bikini". Let me tell you it felt wonderful to hear this from my daughter.

You too can look and feel like a generation X and not the baby boomer. The secret is really very simple. You must have a burning desire. I made a decision that I was unhappy as heck, and wasn't going to take it anymore. I needed to get healthy and fit.

4 Secrets to Look Like Generation X vs. Aging Baby Boomer -follow a low calorie, low fat, and high protein diet -take vitamins. -exercise. -drink plenty of water.

I still struggle everyday, just like you. But I have the burning desire to look like I am from generation X and not the baby boomer generation. It is a choice! I understand that it's not easy, but once you get going you'll feel great and look great.

About the Author
Kimberly Jamieson ( has achieved success in living, maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. She has helped inspire and motivate thousands to achieve this life. To learn more about aches, pains, healthy weight loss, proper eating habits and exercise tips visit

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